
5000 more tickets in the Main Sale this year

Every year, over 70,000 people get tickets to Burning Man through a variety of different ticket sales and processes. So many tickets are reserved for special sales that only a small number of tickets are available to the general public in the main sale.

This year, the main sale will offer 15,000 tickets, which amounts to a significant increase over the pool in 2022, which was only 10,000 tickets. The allocation seems to have come from a reduction in tickets available for the Stewards Sale, which is down from 35,000 to 30,000 tickets.

The Stewards Sale reflects tickets made available to theme camps, art projects and mutant vehicles.

This might make it feel like it’s “easier” to get tickets in the Main Sale — 50% easier! To be honest, though, 15,000 is still not a lot of tickets compared to the demand; they will sell out instantly; and, for all intents and purposes, the main sale is a lottery.

And it also might make it feel like it’s “harder” as a returning theme camp, to get tickets in the Stewards Sale, although actually, last year, there was larger than usual demand for Stewards Sale tickets because camps that were promised tickets for the cancelled 2020 event were allowed to use those tickets in 2022. So overall the ticket situation this year is likely to be pretty much more of the same.

In the meantime, though, the official source of information on buying tickets for 2023 is now live, and the process begins in a couple of weeks, so make sure you’re paying close attention to every date and deadline!

The “Box Office” on playa doesn’t really sell tickets, because they’ve all sold out well in advance, but if you order your tickets for “Will Call”, they will be waiting for you here. Photograph by Duncan Rawlinson,

New Temple Announced: Temple of the Heart

The temple at Burning Man is an amazing artifact of secular humanism and a moving beacon of non-denominational transcendence. Every year, burners visiting the temple find themselves surprised at being brought to tears by visiting a place so full of emotion. Even though it is temporary and only exists for a week, it is a place for mourning, for celebrating, and for feeling connected to one another, free of the orthodoxies of organized religion.

Temple of the Heart

The design for the 2023 temple, called the Temple of the Heart, has been announced:

It’s been three years since Burning Man Project announced a new physical Temple, so we are extremely excited to kick off the new year by presenting Temple of the Heart by Ela Madej with Co-lead, Reed Finlay.

From the Burning Man Journal

It looks amazing! They’re going to need a lot of volunteers and some money to bring this to fruition, so visit their website and see what you can do to help.


Returning Theme Camps have a form due on January 18!

If you run a returning theme camp that has been to Burning Man before, and you are hoping to get some of the goodies that the Placement team dispenses, like, um, placement, but also Stewards Tickets, you’ve got a form due January 18th:

Placement’s Statement of Intent (SOI) is due January 18 at 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET / 9 pm CET for all returning theme camps and villages planning to participate in BRC this year and request ticket access for the Stewards ticket sale (formerly Directed Group Sale or DGS). Log into your Burner Profile and navigate to the BRC Participation Forms to access the form.

from 2023 Placement Newsletter #1

Here are some FAQs for the newbies:

What are Stewards Tickets? Burning Man is limited to about 70,000 participants, but there are thousands more who would love to go, so the tickets in the main sale essentially sell out in a matter of seconds and many hopeful burners are left without tickets.

Back in 2011, Burning Man sold out for the first time. In 2012, they tried running a lottery to allocate ticket sales, which was, essentially, a fiasco. Suddenly theme camps, art projects, and mutant vehicles found that their key members – the artists, creators, organizers and builders, did not score in the lottery and didn’t have tickets.

(The whole story of the lottery disaster is covered in the documentary film Spark: A Burning Man Story).

To address this problem, the org decided to reserve a certain percentage of tickets for creators. Originally called Directed Group Sales, they were renamed Stewards Tickets in 2021.

If a returning theme camp is in good standing, the Placement team will allocate a certain number of tickets that members of that camp can buy without fighting it out in the main ticket sale (which is basically a lottery that sells out immediately). The exact formula remains a tightly guarded secret but many theme camps report that they get enough for about 1/3 of their campers.

What is Placement again? That’s the all-volunteer team that reviews applications from potential theme camps and decides where to place them on the map of Black Rock City.

A map of Burning Man showing individual theme camps' exact positions in the street grid
A part of the placement map from 2019. See the whole thing.

Anyone can subscribe to the Placement Newsletter which is a good idea if you are involved in organizing a theme camp because you will find out about important deadlines, like this one!


Podcasts about Burning Man

There are several great podcasts about Burning Man that can keep you going when you’re walking the dog, driving to work, or just missing the playa.

Still active, publishing regularly:

Accuracy Third hosted by Beth, Rex, and D-Day

Burner Podcast hosted by Arash Afshar

Burning Man Live an official podcast of the Philosophy Center at Burning Man

Into the Fire hosted by Super Suz

Not active, or only some Burning Man content

Life is a Festival hosted by Eamon Armstrong. About all kinds of transformational festivals but includes a lot of Burning Man episodes.

Burncast ran continuously from 2007-2009, hosted by DaBomb. A great oral history of a particular slice in time of Burning Man history.

The Intersection, a series produced by radio station KALW, did a whole season on Burning Man in 2019, hosted by David Boyer

Galaxy Tenants is a podcast mostly about music, but they did about ten episodes about Burning Man that are outstanding. Look for episodes 021-027, 042, 045-047 and 0490

A dusty day in Black Rock City

Above the Dust

Drone footage of Burning Man 2022 by Jesse Chandler

The best photos from 2022

Every year I hold my breath for Duncan Rawlinson‘s amazing set of Burning Man photos. They’re comprehensive, high-resolution, and Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial, which means you’re legally able to use them for non-commercial purposes. In a minute I’m going to take advantage of that to spruce up this website with some of his great photography!

You can either see this year’s collection on Flickr, which works best with mobile, or directly on Duncan’s own website, which is a single page that takes forever to load and will try very hard to crash your browser. He’s also got a great Spotify playlist of music from this year’s burn which I’ve got in heavy rotation right now!

A second great set of photographs comes from Marc Merlin, who has been posting great detailed blog posts about Burning Man going back to 2002. For 2022, he’s posted an astonishing 2684 pictures.

Marc is an amazing burner; his LED suit probably has more individual LEDs than anyone else on playa and his very old-school blog captures the playa vibe perfectly. Check out his pictures here.


The Airport

A lot of people think that 88NV, the Black Rock City airport, is a problem, bringing in the crowds of rich spectators who spend their nights dancing at Mayan Warrior without contributing or participating in the interactive experience of Burning Man. “A large percentage of the worst BM participants make it to BRC in via the airport,” writes didacticgiraffe on Reddit. The Burning Man organization generally likes the airport because the size of Black Rock City is limited by the Bureau of Land Management based on the capacity of the roads (447) to bring in people, and the few hundred people who come in via air allow more people to participate in Burning Man.

Small planes at BRC Airport


2023 Theme Announced

“There’s an endless menagerie of imagined animals we bring with us to Burning Man.” This year’s theme is Animalia.

Art themes can mean as much, or as little, as you want them too. There’s no rule that says art at Burning Man has to fit in with the theme. I guess a good way to decide how inspirational a theme is to Burning Man artists would be to look at how much art seems to fit the theme.

My first year was 2018 when the theme was “I, Robot” when there were just a ton of cool robots all over the playa, including a dozen very diverse robots standing sentinel around the man base.

Stay True to your Selfie by: Larsen Family from: Shingle Springs, CA year: 2018
Photo courtesy Duncan Rawlinson,