There are several great podcasts about Burning Man that can keep you going when you’re walking the dog, driving to work, or just missing the playa.
Still active, publishing regularly:
Accuracy Third hosted by Beth, Rex, and D-Day
Burner Podcast hosted by Arash Afshar
Burning Man Live an official podcast of the Philosophy Center at Burning Man
Into the Fire hosted by Super Suz
Not active, or only some Burning Man content
Life is a Festival hosted by Eamon Armstrong. About all kinds of transformational festivals but includes a lot of Burning Man episodes.
Burncast ran continuously from 2007-2009, hosted by DaBomb. A great oral history of a particular slice in time of Burning Man history.
The Intersection, a series produced by radio station KALW, did a whole season on Burning Man in 2019, hosted by David Boyer
Galaxy Tenants is a podcast mostly about music, but they did about ten episodes about Burning Man that are outstanding. Look for episodes 021-027, 042, 045-047 and 0490